Completely Free Contact Form 7 Widget Plugin For Elementor, Download It Today!

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The best thing about being in the WordPress industry is that you get a lot of great useful plugins without spending any money at all.

Today add another one to that list!

Contact Form7 Widget For Elementor is a completely free plugin, offered by VoidCoders which adds a pretty simple but huge time-saving feature for the Elementor page builderIt adds an element that compiles all the forms created by Contact Form 7 in a drop-down fashion menu.

Previously you would have needed to copy the shortcode for the form that you created using Contact Form 7 and paste it into the Elementor page. But using this plugin you don’t need to go through that hassle anymore.

It automatically shows you a list of all the forms that you created. Select the one that you want & it will be added to that page.

Neat, right!

As a summary, it

  • gives you a drag and drop the widget inside Elementor builder
  • lets you define a style for input, label, send button, success directly from the Elementor builder
  • adds the ability for a custom page to redirection when the form is submitted
  • lets you can have multiple versions of the same contact form 7 form with different designs

P.S. This plugin is an addon of Elementor Page Builder so you need to download it first.

It would be a waste of opportunity not to try it today for FREE!

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