Start A Blog In No Time Final Part

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Well, here it comes! The final part of the “Start A Blog In No Time” series.

The previous parts were really welcomed by you guys. So we wanted to give you the most value possible with the final part.

Well, here goes nothing!

Guest Blogging

It is one of the untold secrets to get the most backlinks to your own blog.

But it is not as easy as it sounds. Nobody will let you just guest blog on their site for nothing.

You have to always maintain the 51/49 rule.

Always give more than you get

One simple trick you can follow is to go to and type in related keywords about guest blogging. This will result in the most relevant search results with the topic.

We recommend seeing the Kissmetrics blog to get a more in-detailed idea about guest blogging.

Click here to learn more

Look For The Underpriced Attention

Wel, it’s true that Facebook, Twitter, Google are the giants when it comes to best ROI for your marketing budget.

But it is also true that new platforms are emerging every day., Twitch etc all are becoming more popular which was not even that known even six months ago.

There is an upside to this. These emerging platforms want to attain as much user as they want. For that they will give the best value for your money for their ad products compared to others.

Your best bet would be to use these underpriced attention as long as they are underpriced!!!

Hustle, Hustle, And Hustle

Well, let the truth be told. Nothing good ever comes easy. If you really want it you have to be at it 24/7/365.

Patience is the number one thing you should have when you want something. No matter what it is you have to trust the process.

 It takes time, hard work to build something you can be proud of

Always have the mentality to learn not just from the experienced but from everyone. Because when you stay humble and curious you start to listen. And when you start to listen you start executing. That is a very good strategy to have when it comes to anything in your life.

Thank You 🙂

It was a pleasure to provide you with some value we got from our own experiences. We know that this is not the perfect manual that will guarantee success in your blogging career.

But we just didn’t want to follow what others are already telling you.

Then what’s the point of you reading this?

As always feel free to comment down below with any questions you might have.  Whatever it is!

WordPress, blogging even life in general.

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