Start A Blog In No Time Part 2

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You liked the first part of how to start a blog in 2018!

Then you are gonna ❤ the second one

Previously we covered the tips & tricks about how you can basically get started with a blog. This time around we want to bring you more value for your content game.

Here are three simple yet effective thing you should always follow if you want to sustain the ever-evolving game of the internet.

Install Google Analytics

Why wouldn’t you use one of the most important tools for all the analytics you will need ever for your website? That too for completely FREE of cost.

Yes, we are talking about Google Analytics. If you want to learn more check out this link.

In short, you can even track the demographics of your audience. That’s how powerful it is.

It can open opportunities for your content game you never thought possible.

Just imagine that you will be well equipped with the information about what kind of content is the most popular with your viewers and modify it to the exact liking.

Pro Tip: Seach “Google Analytics” from the WordPress add new plugins menu. It makes everything much easier to execute.

Have The Upper Hand With Pixels

Here’s the secret ingredient! Pixels!

In the simplest of terms, it is the magic that lets you track anyone using cookies so you can retarget them later on.


Don’t be. It is exactly what it says. You can segment users based on different events and show them ads that will be the most relevant to them.

Remeber those Amazon product suggestions you always keep getting on Facebook, Google and anywhere you go? Cookies!

Pro Tip: Search “pixels” from the add new plugin menu. It doesn’t get much easier than this.

Community, Community & Community!

Everybody is talking about what content to post, what content to share, what content will get the most like!

Nobody’s talking about community. It’s always about the other person. A great quote comes to mind of Gary Vaynerchuk when talking about this

Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook

Just like this 2015 video that is still true to this day

Wait For Our Next Post

Sorry but it is what it says

We are committed to bringing the most value to you with our contents. That is not an easy task to execute.

You will have to keep an eye on our site to see the Final part of this series. Keep tunning

P.S. Comment below if you have any queries or contact us directly

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