Relax with Reducing the Processes of Bounce Rate on WordPress.

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Relax with reducing the processes of bounce rate on WordPress.

What is bounce rate? How could you find bounce rate on WordPress site? Can you fix bounce rate by yourself? For sure, others questions are keeking in your mind.

I have discussed before how to increase your SEO ranking. Like this, bounce rate is also an important search engine ranking factor for your website. By this, Google finds genuine in your site. High bounce rate can cause a lower position in search engine result. But this is not a wish for one’s site.

In this article, all factors of bounce rate will be discussed step by step.

BIG FACT – Bounce Rate

The bounce rate! Google specifies that it records in Google Analytics. When a user unlocks a single sheet, the immediate existed requested results come first. So the bounce rate exists in the single-page sessions.

The ugly truth is we can’t influence all the movements on our website. Remember, the higher bounce rate exists in blog posts when people scan contents. But CAOS is kind of plugin, that engage customers in the site with a time limit. Try it by tweaking your Google Analytics script.

Find Your Site Bounce Rate, But How?

Before knowing the strategies to reduce bounce rate, have to know the signs. Check a few places as it shows in Google Analytics.

  • Acquisition >> Source
  • Acquisition >> Channels
  • Acquisition >> AdWords >> Campaigns
  • Behavior >> All Pages

Top 10 Strategies to Reduce Bounce Rate

In this section, going to dive into the depth of the strategies. Hope the strategies are actionable to reduce bounce rate.

1.      Optimize Contents and Get Traffic

Optimizing your contents and traffic can reduce the bounce rate. As blog posts mainly hit it. Average visit duration and highest page views per visit can create great traffic. Capitalizing on the contents information also cause this. Google Analytics has traffic sources. Reach those sources and get them to share articles and collaborate with them. Publish the related article can grow visitors with the instance.

People care about business and blogs on WP. If so, they must escalate the quality of the traffic which in from SERPs. In short, take advantage of the info you have.

2.      Moderate Navigation Menu

The most important on your WP Dashboard is the Navigation Menu. This a fact to dominate or engage your readers. If they don’t find something needy in WordPress menu, will drive out themselves.

For example, Voidcoders has designed a navigation menu. Being an eCommerce site, it’s menu part convert customers to products with pricing page. Also, contains “Start A Project” and “Blog” pages.

3.      Make Content Fonts Viewable

Which driven out your readers most? Content fonts if so small while reading articles. Make your font size big. Try not to post articles beyond 18 px. Drop the code in the CSS division of the WP Customizer.

4.      Avoid Popups

Nowadays, popups have become a matter of dispute. It is both harmful and beneficial for one’s site. The caching plugins increase opt-in rates. David Risley of Blog Marketing Academy has risen its mailing list opt-in rate in this way.

On the contrary, it has some disadvantages too. Most users complain about the detraction. Popups occur much bounce rate as well as detracting from the user experience.

After weighing the advantages and disadvanteges of popups, Voidcoders has included one. It only displays after viewers scroll down 50% of the page.

5.      Fast Page Load Speed

Page load speed can reduce bounce rate as well as effect SEO ranking. Websites if take 3 seconds to load will satisfy 79% readers.

All you need-

6.      404 Error Page

404 page only displays visitors an invalid link. That link covers nothing just a blank page. Themes are running on your site enlist contacts according to posts, authors and categories per month. The 404 Error Page provides sufficient information by preventing a bounce.

7.      Include Internal Links

Including website, internal links will help to prevent a 404 page. Directly connect your users to another resource on your site with this tip. One of your blog posts can link up into other posts headline or phrase.

For example, search for SEO practice will link up into HTML or CSS post.

8.      Be Cross-Browser Friendly

Often most website authorities make incompatible links with other browsers. Partially you have a favorite browser does not mean that users will have the same. A couple of handy tools can prevent your posts and pages from cracking down-

Audience> Technology> Browser & OS” will provide the number of visitors from another browsers. Please, don’t let die the old browsers with the newest ones.

9.      Mobile Optimization

Mobile optimization for all applications, WP tools has become most demanding. I have told before that half of traffic bouncing occurs due to wrong navigation. So the web developers compatible the themes and plugins with mobile-responsive.

I recommend doing tasks with responsive tools. Go through your tasks with mobile and tablet reactive rather than other devices fast and automatically.

10. Insert Attributed Images

Inserting attributed images significant as well as structuring an article wisely. Pictures speak thousands of words rather than elaborating content. Insert proper pictures instead of boring audiences with 2000 or 3000 words. Inspire with post related images and videos will engage your visitors, perhaps will increase their numbers.

Wrap It UP

Content, images and videos whatever you do to increase the number of subscribers. The best practice for SEO is to diminish bounce rate and take it to higher SEO ranking. Don’t distract customers if you want to give bounce rate goodbye.

In the above, have blabbered a lot. But now it’s your turn to follow the strategies. Say GOODBYE to bounce rate and come first in the search engine result.

If you make a huge difference and develop than before, share with us.

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